K/A Summer Dress and jacket

I'm wearing a dress-over-jeans today, and remembered that I've been debating for a couple of years now on whether to alter the dress into a top.

First - it's kind of that awkward just-above-the-knee length. It's modest enough, but I'm not sure I like the length without something under it.

Second - it doesn't have pockets, so when worn over jeans (like here), it makes the jeans pockets hard to access without offering any alternative.

Otherwise, it's a nice summer weight performance fabric, and is comfortable to wear, and I still like the pattern.  It's a bit bunchy to tuck in (see pic #3).  Should I give it the chop?  (Or perhaps I should add pockets instead?)

Also auditioning a white summer jacket.  Does it work?


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WIW: transitioning to spring

A few outfits from the past two weeks as we transition to warmer weather - nothing too special or outstanding, except that I liked them enough to snap a picture.

#1 Navy dress over jeans, white cardigan and pearls. This was the first outing of my summer espadrilles too.

#2 a fancy date with my hubby! The black pants are wide and floaty - I don’t really know what to call them. But they move in fun and floaty ways, and for this I love them. The pearls are from our wedding nearly 20 years ago.

#3 the first day that I considered “shorts weather” (never mind that my kids have been wearing shorts since February). I noticed that both my shorts and top are a little big now, and they might get purged for this, I haven’t quite decided.

#4 Easter outfit to church this morning. It’s a comfortable repeat.

#5 was for a Friday night outing - leather jacket (the lemming one from years ago), lace, pearls and black jeans.

All comments welcome, and as the weather warms, I’m looking forward to giving my warmer weather clothes some wear!


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