Tempted by a sassy sweatshirt

I doubt I'll get it, because I feel like I have very little disposable funds while I'm facing the prospect of buying gas for 12 days of road tripping.  But I thought I'd share - I'm so wishing for the  "sahara" colorway.


It's also at landsend.com, but without the promo code.


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  • rute replied 11 years ago

    Lovely sweat!!

  • Deborah replied 11 years ago

    I really like this and could see you in it. How about making yourself a sassy sweatshirt?

  • amiable replied 11 years ago

    I want to Deborah, but the only appropriate fabric I have is black fleece.  Last night it didn't thrill me, so I left it.   This morning, it seems workable, and I might try it.  A sweatshirt can't be that hard to make, right?

    the black just doesn't excite me like the bright colored broken stripes do.  Of course, for that price, I could probably visit the fabric store.... Hmm....

  • replied 11 years ago

    It's a great top! It might be a bit short on you though.

    I think you should try making one!

  • missvee replied 11 years ago

    I think the one you linked to would be too short for you anyway. If that's any consolation...

  • amiable replied 11 years ago

    That's exactly how I've been consoling myself Kate and MissVee :)  My long torso would probably hang out not nicely of a shirt that's a bit cropped.  I'm thinking of sneaking out to see if the fabric store has anything in a nice bold sweatshirt print....

  • Thistle replied 11 years ago

    I like the sweatshirt except for its length.  I totally think you could make this!!

    I second you sneaking out and looking for some fabric  :D  ((totally enabling here))  I think this would look fab on you in the proper length!

  • jurocha replied 11 years ago

    I don't like it - so maybe knowing that somebody didn't fall in love with it comforts you in case you don't get it. Too short, plus white stripes on collar are too much pattern on pattern for me (I would prefer the collar to be blue only, the white stripes on the bottom and sleeves could stay.).

    Road trip is fun! Enjoy!

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