WIW: burgundy and peach formula upside-down.

Continuing my love-affair with my new colors of skinny jeans....

Yesterday, I wore the burgundy with heathered gray.  My Spiegel was sortof an indoor-outdoor jacket over it, and a giant black scarf over that.  I felt pretty good in the combo.

Today, I'm wearing peach skinnies.  These ones may not be keepers - I like the blush much better.  With a navy sweater (also from the thrifting adventure) and brown belt (which shows when my sweater is semi-tucked, but it wasn't for the pic), and shoes.  

Suggestions for improvement?  (And sorry for the dark early-morning pics from yesterday - I had to lighten them lots to get the colors to show at all).

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  • annagybe replied 10 years ago

    It looks like strange fading on the thighs of the peach skinnies. Or is that just the light.
    I like #3.

  • amiable replied 10 years ago

    You're right - it's strange fading, which is why I prefer the blush pair from the other day (which also have a slouchier fit, that I also like).

  • El Cee replied 10 years ago

    You look stunning in the burgundy and gray ensemble. Looks particularly fab with the addition of the black moto jacket. Although I very much like the color combo in #4, Anna has a very good point about the odd fading on the jeans. Might you be able to over-dye? As I recall, you are pretty good with DIY projects.

  • carambola replied 10 years ago

    You look terrific in 1-3! I really like the navy sweater in 4, too.

  • pil replied 10 years ago

    In agreement with the others, Amiable! I don't recall the thread about the blush pants though. FWIW, when I was pondering my peach pants it was suggested that I try gray with them - which totally saved them.

  • annagybe replied 10 years ago

    Donate the peach jeans. That style of fading is so dated and fake looking.

  • amiable replied 10 years ago

    Already done Anna :)  I changed clothes before going to the library with the kids tonight. 

  • annagybe replied 10 years ago

    Also I think you need to become pickier in your Goodwill hunting. You can build a good wardrobe thrifting, but you need to have an eagle/super picky eye. There are whole fashion blogs devoted to thrifted style. 

  • amiable replied 10 years ago

    I agree - I'm slowly developing that skill.  I go marathon thrifting about three or four times a year, (and shopping less often than that...), and I think I've made progress, but obviously still have plenty of misses.  I suspected these were a bad idea even in the store - shoulda stuck with my gut on it.  (I wouldn't have bought them had I found the blush jeans first...)

    Oh well - $4 out.  That's what I love about thrifting.  It's cheap.  And I can count on you all to tell me straight what was a poor choice without feeling guilty about it even afterward.

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    I love the first three outfits. They epitomize your current look. 

  • Gigi replied 10 years ago

    Amiable, blush and peach are such similar colors that if you don't really care for the peach jeans, I would get rid of them. After all, every time that you wear the peach jeans is probably a time that you *could* have worn the blush jeans--so you're not getting the wear you would like out of your more favorite pair.

    I'm not very good at thrift store shopping--mostly because I have a hard time finding my size--but I also realize that I can't be nearly as picky. You have to take what is there. So I eventually decided to stop thrifting because I just couldn't find stuff that really made me feel fab--it was all just "OK." And that was OK for the old me who wasn't style conscious, but now it's not good enough. I would rather save my money and put it toward a new purchase that really makes me happy!

  • Jaime replied 10 years ago

    Agree with the above 1-3 are terrific and give back the peach jeans. You have a good attitude about thrifting - throw back the bad fish!

  • carter replied 10 years ago

    I'm so impressed that you're able to find so many fab finds at thrift stores. I get so overwhelmed because the one I go to is organized by item and color but not by size. Maybe they're not all like that? I get so frustrated when the things I find aren't in my size. Maybe you'll take me thrifting sometime for a lesson?

  • Deborah replied 10 years ago

    Wow that first outfit is so fab....loving the leather jacket on you Amy.  And the idea of the second outfit is fab, but I agree re the jeans.  

    Thrifting is tricky business.  I have never been a big thrifter but I do like checking out Thrift shops.  I have a bit of a guide for buying things that are thrifted and that helps me not make mistakes (or at least not as many).  I tend to apply the same rules to thrifting as I do to buying new, full price items:)

  • Suz replied 10 years ago

    The first outfit is terrific! You look just wonderful in that. 

    Thrifting is an art, and one that takes a lot of effort. I think your choices have improved immensely over the year. For myself, I found it really useful to thrift when I wasn't sure where I wanted my style to go. As you say, it's relatively inexpensive so mistakes don't give rise to a whole lot of guilt. At the same time, when I thought about continuing to thrift, I felt a bit like Gigi. I just wasn't able to find the stuff that I wanted, and it was frustrating. I ended up with a ton of stuff that wasn't great and I decided I'd rather have a couple of pieces that were great instead. 

    But some depends on your sources. Shannon and Claire have both thrifting genius and (apparently) really good thrift and consignment options! 

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    The burgundy jeans with grey look fab. You have inspired me to try that combination. The blue sweater might also look good with burgundy.
    There is something about the challenge of the hunt when thrifting that can be addictive for me. I learned on this forum from MaryK to try on anything you like not considering size, and from Michelle to use my sense of touch to quickly locate quality fabrics.

  • Beth Ann replied 10 years ago

    I've been searching all winter for a good pair of burgundy jeans -- they're a HEWI for me.  How marvelous you look in yours!  The first outfit shows off your  long legs and is worthy of your icon, Amelia. 

    Try look #2 with the blush pants and see how it goes!

  • Jenava replied 10 years ago

    Wow, that first outfit is so great!!  I don't mind the second outfit.  OK, I agree the fading on the thighs isn't great, but I didn't notice it until I read Anna's comment.  She does have a pretty good eye, though, so you're right to go with her opinion.

    But, you look great in that shade of blue, and I like the boots!

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