... you see 3 inch segments falling to the floor while they're working on a part that you said you just wanted trimmed a bit. (I figure once you see it fall, it's too late to bother saying anything - what are they gonna do - leave a hole?).
... the stylist's asks her supervisor to come check her cut, and that supervisor redoes almost the entire cut.
... the stylist asks you if your hair grows quickly, so that it'll grow out this cut soon.
... the stylist runs away crying as you're walking out the door.
... you figure, "well - at least it was only $8 - you get what you pay for, I guess". (To be honest, I probably could have done just as well at home, but that's beside the point...)
Yes, I tipped her anyway. No, I won't be returning to her. Though quite honestly, it makes me chuckle. It's only hair, and I suspect that in about two months, maybe less, I'll like it. As it is, my neck is cold, but it's not anything worse than I've done to myself once or twice, and I can live with it.
I asked for the back trimmed up a little, so that it'll grow into a bob with some gentle a-line type layering in the back. I took in several pictures, one of which was an a-line (they were all bobs). The stylist's supervisor really zoned in on "a-line" (she herself had a rather severe one) and whacked away, after the stylist had done what she thought she should do with the back (which I have no idea what it looked like - because neither of them ever showed me the back of my head?!)
Anyway - here, for your chuckle as well, are before and after pics. I don't hate it, - it's probably better than the "before". Besides, there's nothing that I can do at this point anyway. I think I'll get a hat that covers my ears and neck to make it through the winter :)
#1-4 are before
#5-8 are after
Ever had a bad haircut? What did you do and how did you know?